What you need to know to leverage Cellular in Enterprise Networking

Enterprises have long relied on private networks for secure, high-performing, and highly available access to applications residing within their private data centers. However, the rising use of videos, guest networks, IoT data, and the need to setup and tear-down branches at much faster pace have changed the demand profile for corporate networking solutions.
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APAC 6 Tips and Tricks for 6 GHz Wi-Fi Design

With 6 GHz comes a new set of design considerations and a new set of tips and tricks to help you at every step of the way. Join us as we demystify all that is new with 6 GHz and equip you with 6 tips and tricks that you can deploy to optimize your network today while you design for your network of the future.
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Connect F5 and AWS to Deliver Secure Shopping Experiences

Malicious bots wreak havoc on your shopping environment by a million cuts: Creating fake accounts, launching account takeovers, scraping sensitive data, inventory hoarding, gift card cracking, and more. You can try and stop them – and many organizations may try the DIY route – but attackers just retool and adapt their tactics. Now, the F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Connector for Amazon CloudFront, AWS CDN Service can help you get ahead of the problem.
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Using Telemetry to Automatically Scale Your BIG-IP Infrastructure

Deploying applications across multiple clouds is increasing costs and operational challenges. With a rigidly deployed application infrastructure that caters to peak traffic demand, you may be wasting capacity—which leads to a higher cost of ownership. By leveraging automation and service discovery, F5 BIG-IP infrastructure and services can scale automatically based on your traffic demand.
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Secure and Scale On-Demand Your VPN and Other Remote Access Applications

The global COVID-19 pandemic forced every organization to undergo unprecedented changes and shifting the demands of the IT organization, in particular. Large teams of teleworkers and rising demand for secure, remote access added tremendous pressure to both IT and security teams, and to the infrastructure they support. At a time when urgent action is critical, Splunk stands in solidarity with all of our customers, particularly those on the front lines of care and response, and the IT personnel that support their critical missions.
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