Future (and present)-proofing your API & data infrastructure

Consumer demands are changing. Whether it be expectations around no downtime, real-time, accurate data, or connected experiences, organizations now have a new benchmark for what it means to be a winner in today’s digital economy.
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Live Demo - Deploying Cyberoam Virtual UTM on VMware Platform


Virtualization has posed greater threat challenges to the networks of enterprises. With multiple connectivity devices complemented by internet explosion, the world of cloud is like a ball ready to burst anytime. Hence, the need to deploy effective network security is felt harder than ever before. Look out for the virtualization challenges you missed out if any, and Cyberoam's virtual security appliance range that is VMware Ready. This engaging webinar walks you through the deployment and configuration scenarios of Cyberoam Virtual UTM appliances on VMware and how that helps in optimizing your network performance.
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5G Design Innovation Through Simulation


With the progression of wireless communication networks from 4G to 5G, mobile networking is unlocking enormous benefits for businesses and consumers alike. Applications and business opportunities will soon become available that were previously beyond imagination. As the road to 5G and beyond presents significant challenges for technology providers, those who can offer timely solutions with the highest reliability stand to gain tremendous benefit and increase market share. This presentation showcases the past, present and future of mobile networking, and how the convergence of 5G, edge computing and artificial intelligence machine learning will change the industry landscape. Modeling and simulation will drive this revolution—particularly in combining the physics of electromagnetics, optical, thermal, mechanical, and materials. Additionally, digital twins for modeling wireless devices within virtualized, realistic, city-sized environments will reduce the need for costly prototypes and exploratory testing in physical installations.
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Private Networks for Utilities & Energy

Utility and energy is emerging as a key use case for private 4G and 5G networks, both on localized sites and across wide and rural areas. With power stations, energy grids, pipelines, wastewater plants and other utility and energy facilities a key part of national infrastructure, supporting mission-critical apps within this industry with reliable wireless infrastructure that can support increasing data demands and bandwidth requirements, will be essential.
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“Pay-as-you-Protect” Network Protection: How On-Demand Virtualized Infrastructure Can Enhance Network Security

The scale of DDoS and other network attacks are increasing exponentially. Today, CSPs are often addressing this by over-provisioning capacity in proprietary hardware that is scaled for rare peaks that lie unused most of the time. As well as being inefficient, this approach doesn't always guarantee enough capacity for some of the attack types that can be generated today.
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