Field connectivity in a 5G world

Todd Schneider, Dejero CTO explores the rollout realities of 5G technology and how for Dejero, 5G is simply a new ingredient in our blending recipe, aggregating existing 3G/4G cellular networks, satellite, Wi-Fi, and broadband connections. Learn how Dejero is embracing the transition as 5G, LTE, GEO satellites as immersing connectivity options come on-line with patented Smart Blending Technology.
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Transforming 5G Networks with Disaggregated Cell Site Gateways Webinar

More network operators around the world are embracing the open architecture approach for their 5G infrastructure needs to get the benefits of faster innovation, greater agile deployment, and lower TCO. Disaggregated Cell Site Gateways (DCSG), a family of white-box cell site routers based on Telecom Infra Project’s (TIP) open and disaggregated specifications, are the first step to building an open 5G mobile transport infrastructure. IP Infusion’s next generation DCSG addresses the growing demands for 5G mobile transport.
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Network visibility reinvented

Cumulus Networks

Due to the accelerating pressure of microservices, containers and virtual machines, the state of networking is rapidly changing and growing increasingly complex. When an issue arises, you’re forced to go hunting for the proverbial needle in the haystack (read: manual, box-to-box intervention because you don’t have a holistic view of all the activities putting demands on the network)
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Modernize Your Data Pipelines with Multi-Modal Change Data Capture

They may be cliché by now, but the volume, variety, and velocity of data are real and continue to accelerate. Data sources are on the increase, too, and processing streaming data in real-time is becoming essential. How can you modernize your data pipeline infrastructure to meet these requirements, with room to grow as they intensify? Change Data Capture (CDC) technology, once a niche approach to keeping data warehouses updated, can now be leveraged to meet these data integration challenges, but there are many ways to CDC – not all created equal.
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Planning for the future: Why a Data Hub strategy should be at the heart of your Connected Planning infrastructure

Discover the benefits of having a Data Hub strategy and how EDF’s Data Hub prevents disparate, cluttered, and inappropriate data.
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