On 5G wireless: Key technological, economic, and security questions
Publication | May 24, 2019
AEI colleague Shane Tews will host a public event analyzing the future of 5G wireless and related technological, economic, and security implications. Over the past two weeks, a cascade of events has made this discussion extremely timely — not least the US decision to ban sales of equipment to Huawei, the Chinese telecoms company that dominates competition for 5G backbone technology. Many observers have labeled this action as the opening gun of a larger, protracted war for future technological supremacy. The rollout and sweeping economic advances associated with 5G will be central to determining the outcome of this competition. Here are some questions for the experts taking part in the event to answer or puzzle over. In banning the use of 5G backbone equipment from Huawei, how confident is the Trump administration that Ericsson and Nokia can fill the gap expeditiously, and with equipment that matches Huawei in technological sophistication and cost? Further, has the administration any plans to boost the fortunes and competitiveness of Ericsson or Nokia? And is 5G nationalization really off the table?