Network Bytes: Hibernia Networks, Hurricane Electric, Cinia, Telia, GTT

Hibernia Networks picked up some revenue from a direction I haven't heard from for a while. Transtelco, which straddles the border between the USA and Mexico, has tapped Hibernia's global footprint to expand its IP network reach. The deal will see Transtelco triple its existing IP transit capacity with Hibernia, a product we don't see them pushing that often. Hurricane Electric has found another corner of the globe to stretch its IP backbone into. They've signed a strategic partnership agreement with Telekom Malaysia Berhad. HE will gain greater access to TM's submarine cable assets throughout southeast Asia, while TM will gain new IP transit options, of both the usual and the IPv6 varieties. Meanwhile, Cinia continues to set the stage for its new Baltic submarine cable, C-Lion1. They've lined up the David Ross Group and its newly established affiliate United Cable Company to help take the assets to market outside of Europe. C-Lion1 is expected to officially come online later this month.



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