Masergy Makes Its SD-WAN More Agile With Bandwidth On-Demand

Masergy added a new set of features to its managed SD-WAN offering, extending its service control capabilities to its customers’ networks. Masergy launched its SD-WAN Go service last year. The vendor claims it’s ideal for hybrid deployments and companies that don’t want to fully commit to an SD-WAN service but want some of the benefits. This complemented its SD-WAN Pro platform that integrates with Silver Peak technology that debuted in 2016. The pro platform is more robust than the Go platform. Its SD-WAN can be deployed as a hybrid service or as an internet-only service. Now, its SD-WAN customers can leverage another one of its offerings in conjunction. Masergy’s Intelligent Services Portal allows enterprises to gain insight and deep analytics into network traffic. Using the portal, end-users can “slice and dice” the network in a number of ways for insight on applications, ports, or other network components as well as control access to each part all from the portal, said Paul Ruelas, director of network products at Masergy. This way, customers can add routes or static IP addresses as well as IP services to their network, all from the portal. “Almost since our inception, we’ve had the ability for our customers to manipulate that,” Ruelas said, referring to accessing ports, ports in the cloud, the ability to increase or lower the bandwidth of certain circuits and increase the speed of the to an access group. “What we’re adding in is the ability to do that on the public side.”



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